GraceWorks Ministries


Serving the Neighbor who serves the Neighbor 

In the meantime, GraceWorks continues to bloom where we are planted (for now!). In this season, we are grateful to step even further into Goal 4 of our strategic plan; “Provide relevant and sustainable services through a high quality and dignified experience for all Neighbors.” Our Neighbor serving Neighbor mission statement includes volunteers as they are the Neighbor serving the Neighbor. 

We want those serving to also have a dignified experience. Prior to the creation of the Volunteer Center, I have to confess the volunteer experience was not very dignified. Volunteers arrived at the back door, which is also where they signed in amidst all the processing activity of in-kind donations for the Thrift Store. And if you were new, you stood around in the hustling chaos waiting and wondering where to go. That was anything but a dignified experience and I apologize to those of you who suffered through it!  

I am grateful that you hung in there with us, because now we have a beautiful volunteer center with a new sign in system to welcome you. We also changed the department, the office location, and the job description of Erin Saurers, our Volunteer Recruitment Manager, so she can place her entire focus on providing that dignified experience that you, the one doing the serving, deserve!   

I have said it before and I will continue to say, volunteers are the life’s blood of GraceWorks. We could not get a portion of our ministry done without you.  An average of 250 of you a week, show up to be God’s hands and feet at GraceWorks. Your impact on the lives of our Neighbors is immeasurable. Here is just one testimony that a Neighbor, a recent widow battling cancer, took the time to send to us after being served by our volunteers: 

“GraceWorks has always been there for me. You all are so much more than a cart of food and a dozen eggs. I can always count on you even if I just need prayer. You may not know my face or my voice, but I know that part of why I have made it this far is because you are always there. You don’t know how much that means to a widow who is alone.” 

I don’t want to imagine GraceWorks without our volunteers! I also don’t want to imagine GraceWorks without our donors, our prayer warriors and our many advocates throughout our community. Thank you for giving us your heart. You have ours as well! 

Gratefully Yours,  

P.S., click here to join our ranks of precious volunteers

1 thought on “Serving the Neighbor who serves the Neighbor ”

  1. I continue to pray that you find a new home soon that will be permanent and help you to continue to grow and help our community. My husband and I are disabled and I can no longer get out but my husband loves to thrift shop and absolutely loves your store. You also have helped us in so many ways with food, gas for our car, a lift chair for my husband and more. I loved and appreciated all of that but the thing that meant the most to me is that you listen and prayed with me. My God continue to bless you as you have blessed me.

    Deanna Klinebriel

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