Jean’s* husband left her for another woman. She has a daughter with special needs and two other children.
Jean was a stay-at-home mother, mainly to care for her daughter but also partly because she believed it was the best way to raise children. She did not want to miss a moment of their lives. She knows the years fly by.
Those lost years of employment put her in a bad position when seeking a job, particularly with enough flexibility to handle her daughter’s medical needs. She had married young and had never worked outside the home. She had no experience to use to convince an employer to hire her for a full-time job.
Then she was struck with another blow. Her husband, in addition to leaving her, left a large string of unpaid bills behind. Her house was in foreclosure, and she had to move out. She found a few temporary part-time jobs, but medical bills, rent, food and utility expenses rapidly ate up that income and her small savings.
GraceWorks was able to give Jean utility and rent help, clothing vouchers from our Thrift Store, a shopping cart full of perishable and nonperishable food with a retail value of $420, a referral for free counseling to help with negative feelings about herself and a referral to an employment agency.
“I feel like I can breathe now,” she told a GraceWorks staffer.
She was told she could return each month for another food cart and could get future help with utility bills. She also was informed about signing up for The Manger, GraceWorks’ annual Christmas gift event, to make a merrier holiday for her children.
*GraceWorks does not reveal actual names to preserve confidentiality.
I thank God for blessing places like y’all in people lives to help me and others when we are going through some rough time of our life . Our Heavenly Father continue blessing Grace Works Ministry to offer help to those in need Father God In Jesus Name Amen ♥️♥️