GraceWorks Ministries

The Real Solution 

Election year can be a divisive time. Many voices proclaim they have the solution for our problems. It is tempting to see answers for all society’s programs in speeches, policies, political posts or podcasts that feel like our golden ticket.  

If you are falling victim to this temptation, I don’t blame you. I have been there. 

For two cold years in Indiana, I studied “Public Affairs and Administration.” It was a program that taught passionate people how to make the world better, or for the loftier students, even to fix all the world’s problems! But, as I studied policy, it became so very clear – there is no magic solution.  

So, if you feel exhausted by shiny solutions that feel like band-aids, allow me to encourage you. Actually, allow GraceWorks to encourage you.  

It turns out what Jesus taught us is the real solution. He boiled it down for us in two commandments known as The Great Commandments:  

The first: Love God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.  

The second: Love your neighbor as yourself.  

GraceWorks is a place to practice these commandments. For those who love God (or want to learn more about Him), they can come and love on their Neighbors. I’ve seen this love be the solution for thousands.  

I’ve seen the love for your Neighbors lift families out of crisis or poverty.  

I’ve seen the love for your Neighbors bring peace.  

I’ve seen the love of your Neighbors prevent and heal trauma. 

I’ve seen a love for your Neighbors even bring unity.  

Unity can be hard to feel right now. If you crave to feel it again, come volunteer with us! We have hundreds of volunteers from dozens of faith-walks, denominations, political inclinations, and opinions who clock in and serve together at GraceWorks. They clock in together, united by love, and distribute 45 carts of food daily to families in need, provide rent and utility assistance, support a thrift store where folks receive free clothing/home goods, and more.  

So, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus during this season. He is our savior. His ways bring unity and restoration. He is on the throne.  

2 thoughts on “The Real Solution ”

  1. Your words are healing and so helpful in times when questions abound and answers seem so few. You have brought us back to the basics, the main point of it all which amid the noise and haste is so easy to forget. Thank you and Graceworks for your timely reminder!

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