GraceWorks Ministries

The Best Thing About GraceWorks 

While attending a mission partner dinner at a local supporting church, I was asked the question “What is the best thing about GraceWorks?” Without hesitation I answered, “The best thing about us is the community that supports us!” I know that sounds cheesy, but it couldn’t be more true.   

I came here seven years ago from Chicago because I wanted to witness and be a part of a community that was caring enough to create a practical, tangible, faith-based, community resource center like GraceWorks. It was hard to believe this well sought out utopian community would be home to a ministry like GraceWorks. I mean really, think about it!  Franklin is an award-winning city, located in the one of the ten most affluent counties in the country, and is touted as one of the best places to shop, visit, and live!!! Why do we have a GraceWorks here? 

I hold that we have a GraceWorks here because we are also one of the most compassionate counties in the country. Too bad the census didn’t measure that. I think we would rank #1. But, of course, I am biased.  

GraceWorks was not just the brainchild, but the heartchild of a compassionate group of Christians who over 28 years ago wanted to answer the question of how we take care of those in our community who aren’t living that ideal utopian life, but instead are struggling to just try to make ends meet. Hence GraceWorks was born! Our Neighbor serving Neighbor by the power of God’s grace mission expresses the compassionate brotherhood and camaraderie that is the culture of our community.  

As you can see from your recently mailed 2022/2023 Impact Report, GraceWorks is a needed ministry here. Nearly 15,000 Neighbors sought out our services this year alone.  Many came several times receiving multiple assistances of food, shelter utility or wrap around support. GraceWorks was their place of hope and help.  

You made this hope possible by trusting us to be your conduit of care to Neighbors in need. Without your gifts, your volunteering, your advocacy, and your prayers, there would be no GraceWorks.   

So yeah, the best thing about GraceWorks is you! 

Thank you for making us a trusted and well-loved ministry in our community.  

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Gratefully Yours,  

Valencia A. Breckenridge, CEO 

4 thoughts on “The Best Thing About GraceWorks ”

  1. Greetings, Valencia. “Is not the cup of blessing which we bless a sharing in the Blood of CHRIST? Is not the bread which we break, a sharing in the Body of CHRIST? Since there is One Bread, we who are many are One Body; for we ALL partake of the One Bread.” (1 Corinthians 10:16-17j.
    GOD is LOVE. “…let us Love one another, for Love is from GOD; and everyone who Loves is born of GOD and knows GOD.” (1 John 4:7).
    Thank you, Valencia and the GraceWorks’ Team for bringing Hope, Joy, and Love to those many neighbors and children who are in need. Hope has come. Thank you for lifting the spirits of those in need and celebrating Christmas all month long at GraceWorks!

  2. Beautifully stated Valencia. Truly GraceWorks is a blessing to the community, and I would add that you are truly a blessing to GraceWorks. Thank you for all you and our wonderful community do. Our Neighbor serving Neighbor by the power of God’s grace mission expresses the compassionate brotherhood and camaraderie that is the culture of our community.

  3. I very much appreciate Graceworks help for me and others like me in our time of need. At any point in my life that I can pay it forward it will and is going to be my pleasure. Thank you so very much for all that you do.

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