GraceWorks Ministries

One Word for 2025 

Every Christmas my Mom sets out an old punch bowl with a sign beside it that reads “Family Prayer Bowl.” She asks our extended family to put their prayers for the year inside. Then she types them up and emails them to everyone so we can pray over each other. I have no doubt, she is the one who prays the most for us throughout the year.  

This year, she asked everyone for one word. My word came rather quickly – surrender.  

It feels a bit counter-intuitive to choose surrender. The year ahead for GraceWorks is full and for this first-time CEO, particularly full of many strategic decisions and progress to be fulfilled. My instinct would be to come to the year fully armed with my achiever toolkit – discipline, focus, passion, intensity, vision, drive, goals, etc. Those would have probably been a more predictable word for me to choose.  

But, surrender is what God has been convincing me of the past few months. As I have explored GraceWorks in deeper ways, it is so richly clear to me how it is ONLY through Him that the work of GraceWorks is achieved. This is His ministry, and we do nothing, absolutely nothing, without Him.  

And why would we want to? It is only through surrendering to Him that GraceWorks cannot meet just tangible needs, but the needs of the soul.  

Here is a story about how with God, GraceWorks can touch the soul. Had our team member, Hedalyn Rodriguez, not surrendered to God’s unexpected prompting, this encounter at the Manger would not have been so powerful.  

From Hedalyn –  

I had the chance to pray for a woman I noticed standing by the bathroom, looking overwhelmed. Without even thinking, I walked up to her and said, “You look like you need a hug.” She immediately started crying, and as I hugged her, I found myself softly saying, “You are safe. We’re so glad you’re here.” (I remember thinking how unexpected those words felt.) I couldn’t help but feel that those words, “you are safe,” carried a deeply personal meaning for her. 

As we talked, I learned that this was her first Christmas as a single mother of five after leaving her abusive, alcoholic husband. Her prayer was for things to get easier, not harder. She mentioned that she had come to GraceWorks before for food and that her mother had referred her to The Manger. She expressed how grateful she was to be able to get gifts for her kids. It was such a beautiful and meaningful encounter. 

As we all step into 2025 together, allow me to invite you to surrender. A few ways to start are below.  

  • What is one word the Lord is showing you? Maybe find a friend to share your word with and ask them for their word. Pray for each other over the year.  
  • What is a way you can surrender this year? Do you have a prompting you need to respond to? Do you have something you need to let go? Write it down, pray over it, and/or share it with someone and see how the Lord will start working immediately.  
  • Join me in praying over GraceWorks. Ask that God’s presence becomes louder and undeniable here. That everyone who comes can surrender to the Lord and see what He will do! 

“Surrender your heart to God, turn to him in prayer, and give up your sins— even those you do in secret. Then you won’t be ashamed; you will be confident and fearless”. Job 11:13-19 (CEV) 

1 thought on “One Word for 2025 ”

  1. Love the prayer bowl! So thankful for Aunt Terri and how she implements that into our family gatherings. May we all be willing to surrender this year to allow God to work in and through us! Proud of you, Alicia! Best CEO I know! GraceWorks is lucky to have you. A great organization led by a wonderful individual.

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