GraceWorks Ministries

GraceWorks will be closed may 25-27

No Special Talent Needed 

“One of the beauties of servanthood is that it does not require any special talent or special gifts.” This quote I read especially resonates with me not just because of the GraceWorks Neighbor serving Neighbor mission statement, but more because I have seen the most powerful example of this quote as I witness your serving in action.   

The other day, I was giving a tour through GraceWorks for the new property manager of our current landlord, Stonelake Capital Partner. As we walked from area to area, I was proud that on that particular day, we were a beehive of purposeful activity because of all the serving going on. 

The Thrift Store was being stocked with carefully sorted in-kind donations, the Processing area was taking in load after load of donations as cars of donors lined up at the backdoor, there were people working in the warehouse grabbing cases of food to stock Food Pantry shelves, the back of the Food Pantry was full of stockers and sorters, and the front of the Food Pantry was full of Neighbors shopping. Even our Neighbor chat rooms were occupied with Neighbors and volunteers in deep caring conversations. The manager commented, “Wow I had no idea this was such a busy place!” My response was “Yep, this is our supportive community putting our Neighbor serving Neighbor mission statement in action!” 

I am proud of all the kinds of service that happens at GraceWorks.  All are performed by ordinary people like you. 

You don’t have to have a special talent or a special gift to serve at GraceWorks, but you do have to have a special heart — a heart for God and a heart for others.  A person who gives to, prays for, and then serves someone they don’t even know, and in most cases will never meet, is a special person indeed.  

I wish you could personally meet and serve each Neighbor, so you could see for yourself the impact of your service and of your giving. Instead, I have a few other quotes to share. These are a bit more personal because they come from those who serve on the front lines and consequently do see our Neighbors face to face.  As these servers respond to our Neighbors with our food, shelter and support programs, they say things back to me like “She was floored,” or “He was so elated,” or “They were overflowing with tears of gratitude!”  

Please know it is our privilege to respond to our Neighbors’ needs with your care. As we approach Valentine’s Day, I just want to say that I love God, I love GraceWorks, and I love YOU!   

Thank you for making GraceWorks what it is today, a ministry that I am proud to lead because you are proud to serve here.  

Whether you serve with your talent, your treasure, or your time, I pray God will open His window and pour you out a blessing on our behalf!   


2 thoughts on “No Special Talent Needed ”

  1. First of all, receive a cordial greeting. My name is Antonio Lugo and I am a Venezuelan migrant and I am going through a difficult time. I have been here for a year. I speak very little English. I am with my 17-year-old son. Receiving help from a relative but we need a little help for our monthly rent in a room is $750 y
    Due to the loss of work that I have had I have not been able to honor my commitments I thank you if you help me to look for a job we can paint houses cut grass my name is Antonio Lugo and my phone number is 6159193996 better if it is in Spanish thanks

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