GraceWorks Ministries


The Manger Makes a Difference

“I spoke to the grandmother and thanked her for turning the family’s grief into joy for other children.” 

At a gathering last month after The Manger, GraceWorks staff members recounted their most heartfelt moments during the annual Christmas gift-giving event. 

GraceWorks CEO Valencia A. Breckenridge told the story of the Sychantha family, who honored the death of 15-year-old descendant William Cherry in July 2021 by organizing a drive to collect toys to brighten Christmas for children of low-income families. 

Eleven family members accompanied a trailer containing $10,000 worth of toys to The Manger. 

GraceWorks employees rejoiced at the family’s magnanimous gift that joined with thousands of other donations from local businesses, churches, neighborhoods and individuals to provide a merry Christmas for 1,764 children from 570 families who could not afford it themselves. 

And there were other stories: 

Several volunteers who had not served at The Manger expressed astonishment at the scene, saying they had no idea what it was like. 

It was indeed a wonderment. Tables filled with toys for Neighbors to choose for their children. Hundreds of other toys were stocked in a back room to be sorted by age for ease in restocking the floor. Parents squealed with joy upon finding just the right things for their children. Gift wrappers were busy pulling gaily patterned paper and covering gifts to surprise little ones on Christmas morning. Christmas music filled the air, and many workers wore bright costumes fitting the season. 

Thanking One
A woman approached one of 497 volunteers at The Manger and handed her a beautiful handmade necklace. 

“She said she didn’t have enough to say thank you to everybody, so she decided to say thank you to one,” said Director of Development Alicia Bell. 

Reason for the Season
Alicia later noticed a woman crying in The Manger’s book section, and asked if she could help. 

“She said she was looking at the books about Jesus. She said she had been telling her children Christmas isn’t about Santa, but that we pray for God’s provision.” 

Special Toy
Early in the sessions, Alicia helped a young mother find gifts for her young son. His main request was for a special bath toy. She despaired of ever finding it, when suddenly she spied the exact toy on the table. 

“It was so cool to see her shopping and the look of joy on her face when she found that,” Alicia said. 

Another Surprise
Director of Operations David Forister said two members of the maintenance team of the hosting church, Franklin First United Methodist, were there every morning to provide any help needed. 

On the next to last day of The Manger, David said one of the men asked if he could get gifts for two children. 

“I assumed they were his kids,” David said. “I told him the next day was the final session, and he could get a few things from what was left over. The next morning, I found out they were the children of his neighbor, who had been disabled and lost his job.” 

“Literally Neighbor serving Neighbor,” Alicia replied, referring to GraceWorks’ mission statement. 





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