register for manger
December 12-15 at Franklin First United Methodist Church, GraceWorks is hosting our annual Free Christmas shopping experience to help low-income families provide Christmas gifts for their children. With the generosity of our local community donating new items and volunteers’ help, a “store-like” environment is created, and families are allowed to choose gifts for their children. Families can donate $5 towards purchasing gifts offered at the Manger.
For all Manger questions & registration, please call
615-794-9014, Tuesday & Thursday, 10am-2pm.
Additionally, all families registering for the Manger will automatically include our Christmas Food Boxes delivery. For the last 20+ years, we have partnered with local churches to deliver food boxes directly to needy families. You can opt-out of the delivery at registration if you do not wish to receive a food box.
• Registration online or by phone. No in-person registration
• Williamson County Residents Only
• Shopping ONLY available for children 0-18
• Limited capacity available.
Registration is CLOSED.
Adults ONLY Christmas Food Box.